Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Is love here to stay???

As you may know from all my posts, I had been really confused and sad (because of thr confusion) for the past couple of monthes... basically since I started going out with JJ. I was so confused about my feelings and felt like I don’t feel anything... until yesterday! I finally feel like I see a spark and I am starting to realt like him?!! I hope that it lasts

Monday, May 21, 2018

And at last... I think I know

I’ve been trying to analyze and reanalyze him... every single detail... from the way he talks, to the way he moves, to the way he smiles and laughs, asking myself what is it that’s stopping me from falling gor him? He is a great guy! I can be picky about little things... but it’s something my coworker said that bothered me... which makes me have a few tears in my eyes when I think about it: there is no spark in my eyes when I talk about him. Which brings me to the question: is that what love is? Which brings me to the next question: why was there a spark when I went out with a guy who didn’t want to spend enough time with me? Why was there a spark when I went out with a guy who had no post secondary education, was divorced and had a kid and we had nothing in common to talk about? Why was there a spark when I went out with a guy who had tattoos and smoked? And as I summarize these great men with their many differences and faults, there is something that they all had in common: an expressed passion for life! One loved to work towards being a body builder and growing his career, one was a triathlete, one loved living in Canada and riding his motorcycle. He also had a passion for his family and friends. So despite their lack of permanent interest in me, I felt a strong attraction to them because of their passion for life and working towards wanting more. So does that mean that the “new guy” doesn’t have that? Not necessarily. Which takes me back to the first thing I said. I don’t think it’s necessarily totally because of him. I think it’s about me. Ever since I visited my family I think I miss them so much and I feel like my life is incomplete without them. I know that in the past I had considered living here permanently and when I was with those men I could picture that but I don’t anymore. Anyway, I’m gonna think about what makes me happy because I want to be happy :)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Going crazy!

Well kind of...

I want to be able to focus on the positives and pay attention to how much he likes me and pays attention to me... but something stops me and I can’t dream of a future with him

Let’s focus on the positives and let go

1) he is into me
2) I enjoy hanging out with him
3) I’m attracted to him
4) he has a decent job
5) he is kind
6) he is smart

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Where I am now...

Beyneh zamino havaa

Today I complated breaking up with him again. Today my reason was the fact that he doesn’t inspire me to be a better version of myself

Now I have calmed down a bit and I think I am just coming up with excuses

On Sunday I was overwhelmed because I spent too much time with him

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Getting there...

right now the only thing that’s missing is our chemistry... according to him, he is a but”rusty” because he hasn’t been with anyone in 2 years

This makes me question things even more but for now I’ll accept it

They say s is not everything so I’ll just try to go with the flow

Life’s philosophy?

to be the happiest I can be by myself and not expect someone else to make mehappy!

Thursday, May 10, 2018



Man beyneh raghseh ehsasatam gom shodeh boodamo ehsaseh naatavaani mikardam... tasvireh kenaar gozashtaneh mardi keh beh khiaalam ghalbeh mano taskhir kardeh bood gheyreh ghaabeleh emkaan beh nazar mioomad. Mikhaastam beh har bahaanei tasvire ghashangi keh az eshgham behesh dashtamo zendeh negah daram va hich model adamio gheyraz oon modeli keh oon bood nemikhastam ghabool konam...

Dar kol beh bakhshesh va solh residan ba kasai keh gbalbamo kheyli raahat va bi rahmaaneh shekastan vaghean baram chizi kamtar az mojezeh nist. Daghighan 7 roozeh pish bood keh beyneh zamino aasemoon gom shodeh boodamo nenidoonestam chi kaar konam. Kheyli dashtam ba filter haayeh zehnim mijangidamo mikhastam ehsasatamo control konam. I decided to let go and just be... and that brought me to acceptance, love, peace and happiness. Not  sure how long this feeling would last but I am enjoying every second of it❤️

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

New me?

I am happy that I’m not attached

I thought a lot about whether or not I should continue dating jj... I had a strong urge to end things... but then I decided not to.

I’m haopy to say that now I actually enjoy my time with him! I feel like we are two teenagers which is both good and bad lol

I’m gonna see his friends this Friday. I think my biggest challenge right now is trying not to take things to the next level in the bedroom. I really want to get to know him better. I have to somehow keep dating without “teasing” him too much

Killing them with kindness...

Lest not forget

I think it was sometime last week that I felt like maybe I haven’t moved on... maybe I still wat him?! He had come by on Thursday to say hi, brought me a chocolate on Friday and yesterday (monday) he wanted to go for coffee with me... i just walked to the cafeteria w him... and today he had come by again!!! That’s 4 days in a row...

Anyways... I first felt weird

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