Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


vaghri kasi tora bi khodahafezi tark mikonad hessi shabihe marg ast... margeh to... ya margeh oo... yeki az in do... marg dargiri miavarad... dargiri ba khod va oo ke hast... vali digar nist... digar na garmayeh dasteh oo ra dari, na ghalbash, na rangeh negaahash... hameh dar  yek chesh be ham zadan az beyn miravando naabood mishavand, bedoone inke oon nabashad, chon oo hast vali digar nist

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sad again

I really wish he said something... even an apology would have made me feel better... i sent him a msg last ngt to tell him how i felt when he ignored me... and i wished him luck... i dont know why i make this mistake over and over again... i think i use failure of love to move forward... to do something greater... not that its what i want... i just want to find someone compatible who doeant run away...

By August 3rd I am in a happy relationship that is based on love and trust... he has blue eyes and blond hair... he has no baggage and is very compatible with me... he thinks I'mmfun and gets my jokes :)

Emshabam mesleh har shab taaro maat, tooyeh kharabeye khaterat

ok this may be an exageration.. lol just liked the lyrics

I'm doing much better than yesterday

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Fear of abandonment

why do I have it?

Because more than 50% of the guys I have been with have just disappeared or walked away... how? I dont know. What did I do to cause it? I don't know... I will someday know...

I'm not sad.... I really do believe that there is someone out there who will make me feel loved and not leave... and I would feel the same for this person :)

Saturday, May 27, 2017


bazi mogheha adam delesh mikhad nabaasheh..bemireo az in bache. Baaziaa khalaas besheh... khasteh ahodam.... az in daastaaneh tekraari khasteh shodam... cheghad beshinam ta mardom paa rooyeh ghalbam bezaran? Mageh man che gonaahi kardam ke hamishe intori misheh? I'm not responsible forrtheir insecurities...

Delam yeh adameh doros hessabi mikhad keh man divoonash baashamo oon divoonam baasheh

Bozorgtarin chizi keh too in raabeteh behem yadavari shod in bood: baraa kasi bemir ke barat tab kone

Sometimes we fail

we fail at school
We fail at our job
We fail at something we thought we would be good at

But the failure that hurts the most is when we fail in love
No matter how hard we try
No matter how many different strategies we try
We still fail
It's not the failing part that hurts... it's not knowing how we failed and what to do differeny... and if we need to do anything differently...what if we don't need to try... and I beloeve we don't... we have the right to be who we are and how we are... and be pursued and be loved... because we are just so freaking great!

Saturday, May 20, 2017

So angry

i sinply dont want to be in a relationship... so tired of this roller coaster... I don't know why I put up with this... I want to have the courage to not message him st tomorrow

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Delam gerefteh ast... delam gerefteh ast

az oon roozai ke hichi adamo khoshhal nemikoneh

Vaghti delet shekast
Tana o bi hadaf
Shab parseh mizani
Az har kodoom taraf
Toozaye khoobeto enkar mikoni
In vagheyiato tekrar mikoni

Ahvaaleh in rooz haayeh man

yeh chizi mesleh khaabo bidaari... vaghean nemidoonam chetor daghighan mitoonam tosifesh konam... taa haddeh ziaadi haalam khoobeh... taa haddeh ziaadi aashegham... albateh na kaamelan... kheyli jaalebeh... man doos daram ke entekhaab konam ke ashegh basham... delam mikhaad shirjeh bezanam va too daryaayeh eshgh shenaa konam... chera keh na? Ageh mitoonam, chi hast keh mano stop koneh gheyraz khodam?

Friday, May 05, 2017

Heart broken and in love

i dont  know why but I like this guy so much

You know what he tells me the other day? He says after your parents you ahould trust me the most

Anyway... how sweet is that?

I'm so exhausted from work... cant blv I had a panoc attack... but life's still good... I need yo sleep soon... but for now I'll listen to music and make  myself a banana cake... one of the few things that I excel at!!

Just saw a wedding on grey's anatomy and started crying... seems like I want to het married and dance with my dad at my wedding! Who knew?....:)

Monday, May 01, 2017


can't say the fire is gone... however; I feel like I don't want it the way it is... he looks like a player, he talks like a player... what makes ne think that he would ever be serious about us? The only reason why I think it may work out is because of his age... i mean he is 38! Why would he not want it? Maybe because of the fact that he's been there... done that

He is a fun guy... someone who can't sit still...

He is somewhat pursuing me... not fully

My bro and his gf gave me great advice... I should not rush into things or try to make thing wotk... I'll br myself and if things don't go as planned then let that be the case

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