Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Always smile!

I just saw the man of my dreams! I was looking down on my phone amd he waved at me!!! I dont look great today... but o well...

I hereby promise myself not to check NK's instagtam... I feel good now and it's obvious that I feel bad after checking his profile...!!!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Yademaan baashad agar khaatereman tanhaa maand, talabe eshgh ze har bi saro paayi nakonim

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Career woman or woman with a career

so I'm reading a book that talks about women w masculine energy... and that if a woman is too focused on her career that may turn her into a masculine woman... it's funny because ppl may think of me as a career woman because of where I am in life and how I have got here... but I've always said that my career is not as important as my relationship... if I become the ceo of y company it's not because I'm a career woman, it's because I have failed at my relationship and my love

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Sorry for the delay in update

I have said this before but most often than not I use this blog tk release negative feelings

I am here to tell you that I am fine! I have been more than fine since Saturday. Completely happy and cheerful! I know my worth and I will no longer allow douchbags to make me feel bad about who I am... it is not me... it is them... he did not say this to me but this is why he left:) and how lucky I am that he left!

The truth is that I still check his profile every now and then and get a bit sad but I am 90% happy and can't wait for my next adventure!!! ❤️ So grateful

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Not an animal lover?

I think that it's silly that ppl spend thousands of dollars on their pets... even worse they spend their love and emotion on their furry friends when there are so many ppl out there dying from lack of care... why has it become so importand to have dogs and cats and distract ourselves from the real world problems?

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