Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Monday, August 25, 2014

It would not be me if I did anything but...

Ok ... don't laugh...... I saw a really cute guy last night while dancing the night away at a salsa cruise party...... he caught my attention and I was hoping that we could somehow start dancing together..... and guess what ...... my dream came true! he and his friend came to ask my friend and I to join them....... and of course we did!

Immediately I found out that he has a thick indian accent....... but he had great manners and again VERY GOOD LOOKING......

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was very physically attracted to him..... it was so easy to hug him and put my head on his shoulder while dancing...... remember that this is a stranger so I have no idea how it happened because I usually keep my distant........... but on the other hand I know why...... he was not an immediate I was super comfortable with him.......... I could just be me without feeling like I was being judged..... it was an amazing feeling......

I gave him my number...... he has been here for 3 year....... and is a plumber........

He messaged me today...... and called........ and said "love you" at the end of the night....... lol...... SO CUTE!

I know this may be insane but.......... I'm considering going on a date with him.........

I'm a hopeless romantic..........

Why should an accent and an occupation stop me from going out with a super nice guy?

I guess u'll find out soon if I end up going out.........

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

ps. presentation training or aid with self discovery?

we had two days of presentation training which went ok..... it was obvious that I was trying..... but why do I not feel confident?!!

anyway..... it turned out that one of my biggest problems is not being able to tell stories... the topic was "your favorite vacation"..... 2 minutes....... go....... me: ummm... IDK?!

then it hit me....... that's one of my biggest weaknesses in life..... why can't I tell stories?!!! how was your weekend? good... I went to my parents for dinner....... how about u? I can never tell a juicy story....... turns out not even when I'm given 24 hours to prepare........

second topic: the biggest influence in your life

I thought about this one for a while.......... and I was very close to telling a story about VJ lol... well not really but I was like wow.......he's probably the reason that I am where I am today....... but I think we need a counsilour to figure this one out........ but then I thought about it some more..... and the real reason was ..... according to me: 1) me 2) my parents........ it turns out that people don't laugh when I say I was one of my biggest influences..... they probably just thought that I'm weird...... but on the other hand I usually feel like people think that I'm weird........ but that's just me....... I control it most of the time..... but I don't want to be fake so I tell the truth..... like this past weekend I was at a party and they wanted to go to a club: me: no thanks... I'm an old soul... I need to go to bed before midnight....... + I have a low voice that doesnt work well in clubs so whenever I go I feel really awkward......

thankfully the two guys I was telling this to were really cool and found the humor in my statement and still insisted that I go........ apparently I was irresistible that night


message to the universe: now that I'm completely over the people that were once my possible bfs I need to find the ONE or someone close to the one ...... or someone that will help me in finding the one....... please and thank you!!!

ps I'm so unbelievably thankful............ THANK YOU GOD

Plenty of wha?

Who would have known that I would be on a freaking dating site looking for the one??? How is it possible that there is not a single guy in there that I find compatible? Not that I'm too good for them.... I'm either intimidated by them or think that they are not good enough.... but in terms of attraction...... I have yet to see a mesmerizing pic of someone that blows my mind away!

I have kinda quit going to that site now......

but how the heck am I gonna ever find someone?!!!

I have to find another avenue..... one that's closer to reality......

I need to find my second half

Where to start?

A lot has happened

I finally have a job... no more struggle of finding a job

I'm so unbelievably thankful!

Still not even close to finding love....... but I'm trying.....

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