Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In love :D

آدمهاي ساده را دوست دارم. همان ها که بدي هيچ کس را باورندارند. همان ها که براي همه لبخند دارند. همان ها که هميشه هستند، براي همه هستند. آدمهاي ساده را بايد مثل يک تابلوي نقاشي ساعتها تماشا کرد؛ عمرشان کوتاه است. بس که هر کسي از راه مي رسد يا ازشان سوء استفاده مي کند يا زمينشان ميزند يا درس ساده نبودن بهشان مي دهد. آدم هاي ساده را دوست دارم. بوي ناب “آدم” مي دهند

Bi shakko tardid

Friday, March 25, 2011



I went to a birthday party tonight and I found someone!


Life is good again? :D



Let's see if he adds me on FB



He's turk!!! which is goooooooood because turk guys are baa gheyrat and they like one who has not had bfs?

Can't wait to update you :D :D


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thank you god for such a beautiful day.......

Still have a lot of questions unanswered

But I'm :)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy new year!

Tomorrow's the beginning of a new I must start making changes.....

Just wanted to say that I saw both of them tonight.....and none of them mean a thing to me..... I mean I'm still in the process of getting over the recent one but I did a good job at not paying attention to him......and I wasn't even trying too hard to do that.......and I saw the old one....... MR VJ!!! And I have no more feelings for him either......thank god!!!

But I know one thing.......

Man baraayeh zende boodan arezouye taaze mikhaaham......

What once meant to me, will eventually, be a memory, of a time where.......

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter

All I know = time is a valuable thing.....
The clock ticks life away...

Friday, March 18, 2011

cheshm ha ra bayad shost
jooreh digar baayad did......

I have to reconsider a lot of things.....
A change is needed......

But still happy :) :)

And thankful <3

2 more days till norouz

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good newssss

guess what?
I'm happy
It's true .......what you focus on expands!

I've got my motivation! Let's see how long it lasts for ;)

+ It's the persian new year in 3 days..... and I'm so very excited about attending this Norouz event...... I don't know why

Ghamginam vali engaari yeki behem gofte..... ke hamin rooza ye ettefaaghe khoob miofte....

Oh and I'll tell you why I'm happy.....I've been hanging out with a few people that are always :D :D and make me :D :D

God help all those who are like this guy that I know @ school......he's the most stubborn illogical person I've ever met...... he's always walking on people's nerve.....and it's not even cute..... at the beginning I thought he occasionally gets mad......but then I realized that he's mad all the there might be something actually wrong with him.....god help his wife too......

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thanks for letting me be strong......

Thanks for helping me be strong.....

It's hard to say "no" to someone that you're trying to "forget" when they ask you if you want to go to a club in a smaller group with them... I mean what I should have said was "F YOU" .... just because of the fact that he creates confusion in my head...

If at one point we were trying to be something and it didn't work out and now I'm trying to be ok with seeing him in public he shouldn't try to push things by asking me specifically if I'd like to go clubbing with him and them after we have dinner.....specially when 2 of "them" are 2 people that I think he has a f*cking crush on!!!!!!!!!!!

Life doesn't have to be so complicated

I am thankful

Trying to shift my focus......

Trying to help myself........

I have a feeling it's time to get help.......
Khodaya shokret

Monday, March 07, 2011

Hamishe dar haaleh faraar......

Az khodam
az tanhaayim
az chizayi ke midoonam
az chizaayi ke nemidoonam
dar morede gozashte

maa ensaan haa che moshkelaati daarim
chetori mishe adam khodesh basheh?
rahat bashe?

faghat yek raaheh farar bishtar vojood nadareh
oonam eshgheh
inkeh yeki adamo ghabool dashte basheh
faghat yeki

chera kasi bara in arzesh ghaael nist?
vaghti man yekio mibinam, asheghesh misham, motmaennam taa oonjai ke midoonam too delam enghad doosesh daram ke hame khoobio badiasho doos dashte basham, chera in enghad bi arzesheh? yani mardom enghad rahat mitoonan kasio peida konan ke ghabooleshoon dashte basheh?

khodam chi?

fekr kardan be chizayi ke daram/nadaram ke shabihe digaran hast/nist shabihe "norm" hast/nist negaraanam mikoneh

farda ye rooze jadidieh

halle moshkel aasooneh, enghad khodeto ba karaye mokhtalef mashghool koni ke be in chiza fekr nakoni....

vali ta key bayad farar kard?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

What's wrong?

I Dont know!
Help me god

Ok don't panick.......there's not anything wrong's just the day before my exam and for some reason I feel like I've forgotten everything that I've studied and my brain doesn't want to learn anything new.......but I still have to read 2 chapters and review the other 5.......

Khodaya shokret

Friday, March 04, 2011

Harf barayeh goftan ziade......

Vali vaghtesh nist...... va hessesh nist......ishalla ye forsate digeh! :)

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