Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

F*cked up life!

At this moment that i'm writing this i am very hungry, and sleepy, but i have to get this out of my system so here it goes!

Righ now I'm very unhappy, angry, emotional, depressed, and sad!

My parents are not talking to eachother anymore ! grrr

I have my f*cking projects that i need to get done then my finals will begin in about 10 days

AND i realized that I hate it when i tell all my whole life to the people I meet...... i mean it's kinda sad to be able to tell people your whole life in less than 30 min.......that means that you have a sad life with absoloutlely no excitement! and i feel vulnurable because they probably think that I am the geekiest and most boring person on the planet .......which reminds me how lonely I am.....which as a result makes me unhappy, angry, emotional, sad, and depressed!


I'm gonna go and try to f*cking find something to eat

sorry about saying the f word but.......i'm sure u'll understand

:( :( :(

oh and one more brother in law got mad at me because i left their house on sat night to go to my friend's house......he's like i don't like it because ur disrespecting us........ and maybe that's where all my madness and sadness began at the begining of this week

anywaysssss......... i g2g


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

i feel not good anymore


Don't ask me why

I'm kinda nervous, sad, worried, stressed all at the same time

I went out with the guy that i used to have a crush on 5 years ago..... it wasn't a date.... just to catch up .....

anyways......i was nervous all day........and when i finally saw him everything went a lot better than i thought.....but for some reason i don't feel so well.......maybe because i know he doesn't like me in that way..... i mean he is so different from me and it kinda makes me see my extreme opposite which is kinda scary.....

i think it would be nice if we hooked so i can learn a bit about his world.... but right now i'm too embarreced .......because ........he's so much cooler than me lol

anyways...... i feel like i've lost a lot of my energy over this

hopefully i will recover soon

ba to hekayati degar
in deleh ma be sar konad
shabeh siahe ghesse ra
havayeh to sahar konad

bavareh ma nemishavad
dar sareh ma nemiravad
az gozareh sineye ma
yare degar gozar konad

shekve basi shenidam
az deleh dard keshidam
koor shavam joz to agar
zemzemei degar konam

maghsado maghsoodam toi
eshghamo ma'boodam toi
az to hazar nemikonam
sayeh magar safar konad

chareyeh kare ma toi
yavaro yareh ma toi
tobe nemikonad asar
marg magar asar konad!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Let's Party!


Last night i went to G's bday party..... it was so much better than I thought it would be.....

I actually liked some of the people who'd came......well I had a cursh on some guy from a while ago and i finally had a chance to talk to him........... he's really cool! haha....... i'm not sure if he was interested in me or not........well i don't think he seemed like he was really into N! grrr.....

but whatever......... i got to talk to like 4 guys......... yay! it was fun.........they were all nice :)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Tired of being the glue 2

Right now I feel like I want the whole world to know that......... but there is actually no one that really cares....

I was thinking today about how good it would have been if I had a boyfriend...... I mean I CERTAINLY can't go to my family to tell them about my worries..... specially because they are one of my biggest worries....... I wish I had someone who could calm me down......... and tell me that everything is ok.........


~Tired of being the glue!~

Why should I always be the one that holds everything together?

I might be wrong......but I feel like I have a very important role in this family....... I'm actually the only person in our family that everyone comes to with their complains...... and the one that no one is really that mad at.......I mean I do my share of damage when it comes to pissing others off and making them unhappy....... specially since I'm very cold hearted......But I"M DOING MY BEST......I try to keep everyone happy.........and trust me's not an easy job!

I don't want the same to be happening at school.......but it an extent........

and I'm tired of being the glue :(

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Que noche!

Fue a una fiesta con mi hermano en el viernes pasado. Era divertido pero no me encotre mi persona especial. Me vesti un vestido muy linda, y pienso que muchos hombres me estaban viendo cuando yo camine pero no estaban muy atractivo para mi y por eso, en fin, era triste porque no vi nadie que me gustaba! :( hmmm......... pienso que no tengo nada corazon!

p.s. bailaba con 3-4 muchachos! :O ..... ya no tengo miedo bailar con ustedes! yay! ;) ..... pero no puedo bailar OK :D

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