Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Another day, another cycle

 Here we go again

The frustrating part is that when we started on this journey, I never ever imagined it would take this long

The struggle is difficult, and what makes it even harder is that no one is willing to help! I think in our society we have learned to listen to the doctor and not question them

Suddenly I feel like I need to talk to both a therapist and a specialist… I will get things started which is the hardest part… that’s the annoying thing about being in Canada… you have to jump through the hoops until you get to see the specialist 

I don’t want to give up, I don’t want to regret, I don’t eant to become hopeless, and most of all, I don’t want to leave things up to fate… although that’s what they say you should do, and I want to believe that! But it’s not easy waiting the rest of your life “hoping” it will happen. I want to feel like I have some power over my destiny….

I can see all the reasons why fate may be holding off… but that’s why I need both a therapist and a specialist 


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