Va in MANAM...tako tanhaa... dar aastaaneyeh viraanegi..... empty....... is how I feel.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Delam gerefteh :(

روزگاري رفت و من در هر زمان
آزمودم رنج « غربت » را بسي

درد « غربت » ميگدازد روح را
جز « غريب » اين را نميداند كسي

هست غربت گونه گون در روزگار
محنت غربت بسي مرگ آور است

از هزاران غربت اندوه خيز
غربت « بي همزباني » بدتر است

من گریزانم از این خسته ترین شکل حیات

و از این غربت تلخ

که به اجبار به پایم بستند


Anonymous Solivan said...

in niz bogzarad....

12:19 PM  
Blogger TolooehFardaa said...

Lol... first of all it's really weird to know that someone actually reads the things that I write here!

Ba'desham fekr nemikonam in niz bogzarad.... ehsaasieh keh hey miaado mireh.... fekr konam manzooramo befahmi.... it does leave but it always comes back..... sometimes I get tired of thinking about what might/would/should've been if I never left my country..... I've been here for more than 10 years but I still feel like I don't belong.... anyways.....but sometimes I feel like I do so it doesn't really matter.... I just get confused......

I read a few things on ur blog and it looks like you like math! I want to like math too..... taking 2 of them this term but donnow how to study for them.... I want to learn it thoroughly so if you have any tips on how to study for math it would be greatly appreciated :)

7:03 PM  

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